Luminare Press - Self Publishing PathWebinar

 Published On May 9, 2024

Learn how to publish your book using the same publishing framework as traditional publishers.

In this webinar you’ll learn the framework for book publishing that traditional publishers use, including:

• How to prepare your manuscript for publishing.
• How to design a book that supports your writing and marketing efforts
• How optimize your POD and ebook distribution to maximize book sales and royalties

Publishing a professional book demands a lot of attention. This webinar will offer information and resources for each step and suggestions on how to approach them. It will include a Q&A at the end and opportunities to follow up. Participants will gain a better understanding of the publishing process itself, allowing them to move forward with confidence.

Patricia Marshall is the founder and owner of Luminare Press, a company that offers book design and publishing services for authors. A former magazine editor, she jumped into the self-publishing field in 2010 after her 89-year-old mother self-published her first novel. That experience, completed with a lot of family help but little professional guidance, led her to recognize that independent authors needed the help and encouragement of publishing professionals, and Luminare Press was born. Patricia enjoys talking to authors about the book business and leading a talented team of designers and editors who guide clients through publishing with patience and humor. She has a thorough knowledge of the bookmaking process and a passion for non-fiction book editing, as well as a strong desire to help authors produce a polished, professional book. She has a degree in journalism from the University of Oregon, an MFA in Creative Nonfiction from Goucher College in Baltimore, and a certificate in Digital Journalism from Media Bistro in New York. She was the editor of the nationally distributed Forest Magazine from 2003–2010, and the experience of creating a magazine ready for the newsstand transitioned naturally to creating books ready for sale.

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