
 Published On Apr 24, 2019

#1057 Marvel vs Capcom Infinite (STEAM) Bosses (1/2): Ultron Omega playthrough.

A playthrough of the final boss Ultron Omega in the PC/Steam version of Capcom’s Marvel vs Capcom Infinite.

A huge, huge thanks to user GodShin for the values for this game, I honestly would have never worked them out otherwise.


Ultron-Omega moves:

Qcf + LP: Ultron Lasers
Qcf + HP: Spinning wheel of death
F, d, df + HP: Double-attack
Qcf + LK: Sigma Eye Lasers
Qcf + HK: Sigma Scream
Infinity Surge: Three fire orbs

Qcf + LP + HP: Mouth lasers
Qcf + LK + HK (lvl 3): Super Mouth Lasers

Get ready for this shit.

Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. A boring boss, a boring game, a boring playthrough.

I’m not even sure why I’m bothering to cover this game. No one gives a shit, anyhow, but I almost feel like there should be videos on Infinite simply to mark what an absolute graveyard of a game it is. I’ve accidentally written about 5000 words on just how much I hate this game, and instead of writing a description I plan to (eventually) do a video essay on how bad the game is instead. Words alone can't convey it.

Marvel vs Capcom infinite is a travesty of a game, for reasons which aren’t even really worth going into. The funny thing is, very little of that has to do with the gameplay. The gameplay is, honestly, pretty damn good. I don’t think it’s necessarily any better over UMVC3, but it really does feel beginner-friendly and fun on the whole, and for a more "casual" fighter that's certainly important.

The main issue comes down to design-choices. A bland UI, a bland interface, bad-looking character models, really blurry visuals, and a limited number of characters and choices. This extends over to Ultron-Omega, certainly.

I made a point of showing footage of this to viewers back when I was doing the Tekken vids. Back then, I just sort of laughed. Ultron-Omega is actually supposed to be a reference to the final boss of Mega Man X5, but to me he actually reminded me a lot more of a boss from Capcom’s Breath of Fire II. At the time I laughed, but I remember long-time viewer Vicenpvp stating that seeing something… well, THIS bad, hit home. Capcom’s greediness means I typically enjoy their screw-ups and failures, so it was only actually playing MVCI that I realised just how much of a failure it is as a game. It is somewhere in the range of a barebones amount of effort at the most.

The story mode of the game sees Sigma from Mega Man X and Ultron from the Marvel Cinematic Universe team up to…destroy the world, or something? I’m not really sure. Rather than working individually they actually meld together for some reason, which at the very least leads to the actually quite badass Ultron-Sigma, who I’ll talk more about in the next video.

While Ultron-Sigma acts as the sub-boss of the game, Ultron-Omega is the final boss of arcade mode as well as story mode. The story mode which is the main focus of the game, and which they screwed up because it’s boring and jarring as anything. Instead, we end up with a barebones and pretty standard arcade mode. I mean, alright, at least we have an arcade mode this time, compared to something like Street Fighter V, but it doesn’t feel like I’m playing a Capcom game. I feel like I’m playing a really well-done bootleg, with the same empty blandness and the crappy visuals those typically have.

[continued in a pinned comment]

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