Shawn/Juliet -- Stuck Like Glue
heartofwolf12 heartofwolf12
7.31K subscribers

 Published On Nov 30, 2011

Song by Sugarland. I don't usually like country, I prefer a lot of noise and instruments like in Rock. But for some reason this song stuck with me (hee hee, it's a pun...)

As soon as I heard the "That's your boyfriend" line, I knew I had to do a video with it. I think you'll find it bookends well ;)

I actually started this one two days ago thinking that I'd add in scenes from tonight's episode. But I finished it much quicker than I anticipated. Season 6 is awesome so far and it gave me so much motivation!

Finals are coming up so I may only give you one more video until the end of the year. But know I love all you psych-os out there. Tell me what you think!

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