Between J and P from MBTI test, who is the better to go on a trip with? [Nemo's Dream 2] EP.15

 Published On May 30, 2023

Debate about traveling with DONGPYO's close friends!
Planning vs Spontaneous, which one do you prefer?

00:00 I prefer handsome
00:46 Introducing today's super special guests ๐Ÿฆ‹
03:43 First ever English interview without an interpreter on Nemo's Dream๐ŸŽค
04:16 What is a Korea University student doing here?
05:17 Suddenly the atmosphere of a reality dating show
06:06 The most prominent graduate of Waryong High School
06:53 Today's plan of DONGPYO ๐Ÿ•–
07:38 Enjoying Lotte World ๐ŸŽก
09:48 P vs J debate and Jeju Island travel plan ๐Ÿ“
14:29 Why SON DONGPYO is not an INTP
16:49 One thing DONGPYO wanted to ask WOOSEOK and EUNSANG
18:27 The true story of WOOSEOK and EUNSANG ๐Ÿ˜ญ
21:20 Listen to this now! UNITE - WATERFALL
22:33 Listen to this now! "Finland Papa"
22:54 Today's conclusion!!
I will end all the debates on the Internet world! Debate ending show [Nemo's Dream 2]

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