Practice video -- simple blues pattern
Rudi Seitz Rudi Seitz
71 subscribers

 Published On May 14, 2022

In all of my guitar videos so far I've been playing a solidbody electric, my trusty Eastman SB59v with a Carr Skylark amp. That wonderful combo has been my world since I started making videos in March. But one of my goals with making these videos is to unlock the sounds that are resting inside my other guitars. Do I really need 12 guitars? Perhaps these videos will reveal the answer to me. So today I made myself take my beautiful Mule resonator out of its case and play some blues. I've been waiting for a time when I could "do justice" this guitar, and I keep thinking I'm going to write something specifically for it, and I WILL, but today I said, screw it, let's just get the thing in action. Let's start somewhere. I had left the Mule in either open D or open C tuning last time I played it and by today it had drifted somewhere in between the two. This morning, I didn't have anything memorized or planned in open C, so this basic blues was the quickest way I could get the guitar "singing" in a short amount of time. The clip is repetitive but each cycle has a few small variations in what my right hand is doing -- there are some unexpected sounds coming out that I might want to return to. For me, this is good practice in really keeping a groove going. And an interesting thing happened when I was practicing this, after breaking two nails! I found I could get the best blues feel with a lazy/flat right-hand index finger where I'm rubbing the strings with it, creating a kind of "pinching" action between the thumb and index finger. Also turned out that I had no problem doing palm muting even with hood over the bridge. Well here it is, I'm finally sharing a few sounds from this guitar.

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