Let's learn about Dinosaurs! | Educational Videos for Kids | Kidibli

 Published On Jul 28, 2023

Hey you! Welcome to Kidibli, where we make learning fun and exciting! 🎉

In this video, we're going back in time to the age of the dinosaurs, so put on your adventurer's hat, because we're about to start our day of learning!

We'll start our educational day by discovering the different types of dinosaurs: diplodocus, tyrannosaurus and many more! Were all dinosaurs the same size? What's the biggest dinosaur ever? I've got so many questions! 🦖

Next, we'll be breaking out the brushes and goggles as we head off in search of fossils! How do archaeologists work? Where can fossils be found? What tools do they use? Let's find out! 🤓

Then it's back out into the field to discover lots more dinosaurs! I wonder which were herbivores and which were carnivores? How did herbivorous dinosaurs defend themselves? And how did they reproduce? Did some dinosaurs live underwater or fly? I’m so excited! I hope I get to see a baby dinosaur, I'm sure they were super cute! 🦕

And that’s not all!! Finally, we’ll see what you have learned from our adventure during the Kidi Quiz🧐 Sooo… Pay attention! 🌟

Join us for an adventure into the world of dinosaurs - there's so much to learn and so much fun to be had!

So get ready for a fun-filled edutainment experience! Don't forget to subscribe to my channel and hit the notification bell so you never miss a video.

Ready, Set, Grow! 🚀

00:00 Introduction
1:20 Let’s discover different types of dinosaurs!
4:46 How do we know dinosaurs existed?
5:42 Let’s be archaeologists!
6:40 What did dinosaurs eat?
10:30 Let’s learn about sea dinosaurs and air dinosaurs!
12:45 How did dinosaurs reproduce?
13:05: How did the dinosaurs become extinct?
14:38 Time for the Kidi Quiz!
17:36 Time for the Kidi Dance!

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About Kidibli : Go on an educational day out to discover about the wide world we are living in! In every episode we’ll learn a different topic through a fun new adventure! Jobs such as Firefighters, Science topics, Nature wonders and Animals are just some of the few incredible journeys we’ll experience!
Learning is fun! So hang on to your hats, we’re going to dance, to explore, to grow, to test our knowledge and most of all to experiment all we can on the field! 🚀
Let’s make our incredible world our playground!🌟

Kidibli © 2023 - All rights reserved

Picture credits: Canva pixabay rexel Music credits: Thierry Sforza - Frantz Fagot - Ludovic Loy - YouTube library
Special Thanks to Alena, Emilie, and the all team of the Dino Zoo.

Animaj © 2023 - All rights reserved

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