(WUOC 711) (Audio) It is good to have, but we can live without it
lampandlight lampandlight
268 subscribers

 Published On Feb 19, 2022

"WUOC" is the acronym of "Wake Up Our Conscience".

This is the first series of "Lamp and Light".
These messages are for everybody who lived on this earth.
Use short, plain and simple text to share the messages to improve human relationships and reduce suffering.

This series playlist is "Wake Up Our Conscience" (Enlighten our life journey).

Hope you read these messages with humble heart and open mind.
These messages can helping you understand the "Truth of life".

If you find these messages are worthy to spreading.
Please share with the person who you cared.

If these messages had touched your conscience, you can make decision to change your mind and toward better life on earth.
Let us all become the good people of this world.


(WUOC 711) It is good to have, but we can live without it

Every material thing has trade-off, in order to get better stuffs; we have to pay higher price.
Life is made of little things and moments, we really don't need lot of stuffs to make us happy.
This society promotes spending to strength economy, holding more "money" and "material possession" is the symbol of "success, power and beauty" images.

"New products" come into market are new temptations, "we want more stuffs" are our new desires.
It causes us have to spend more "time, money and health" to exchange this "material possessions".

We try to grasp more worldly wealth, but it is no end, can't really catch it; and when we seems to catch it, but it is empty feeling.
We can spend our entire life try to satisfy our worldly material desires, and its trade-off are damage our health and destroy the relationship with others.

New stuffs we bought, its freshness only last for a few weeks, if we don't have the heart of thanksgiving, we will start thinking to buy new one again.
The new electronic products we bought from store, it is already older model, manufacturer already had new model designed and produced.
Our hard earned money spends on this endless cycle is not wise move; we should use money on the first priority and important things in our life.
Spend money on education, skill training and moral development; we also spend quality time with family and friends to pursue intimacy relationships.

The most important thing in our life is not "how much we possessed?", but is "what kind of person we going to be?”
Contentment do not come from "want more stuffs", but from "need a little".
If our old stuffs can do the job, why do we want to spend money to buy new one?
It is good for our bank account, free us more time and better protection for world environment.

We are living in a "disposable" society, it is easier to "throw away" than doing 5-R "Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Replenish, Restore".
The more stuff we bought, the more garbage pollution we are going to created; less energy and resources left for our future generation.

Everybody's family, background, culture and life are all different, we really don't need to compare us with others to start "Spending tournament".
Manage our household financial situation, make a budget, we don't want to buy stuffs just because our friends or co-workers have new stuffs first.

Don't stretch our ability to buy something which we don't need, or we can't afford.
The basic things we need is "not a lots", our desire to "want more" is always there, but we need to control our desires.

Large mansion, fancy home theater, luxurious car is good to have if we can afford, but we all can live without it.
Have lots of appliances, nice clothing, beautiful jewelry is good to have if we can afford, but we all can live without it.
Have nice vacation, go to elegant restaurant, taste exotic food is good to have if we can afford, but we all can live without it.
Lots of new products in the market, it is good to have these extra, non-essential things in our life, but we all can live without it.

Things come, things go, and everything keeps changing, all material things will getting old and decay.
If we can afford to buy new stuff, it is good to have, but if old stuff can do the job, then we can live without buying new stuff.
"Old" doesn't mean "bad", it is experience which we can treasure; spend lots of money to buy new things which we can't hold on is bad investment.

It is good to have rich and strong, but if we are poor and weak, we still can hold our head high to live our life.
Instead of stay at 5-stars hotel in the city, or we can camping in the country side to see 5-billion stars, life is all good.
It is important to have the heart of gratitude, so no matter what we have, we still can have peace and joyful heart to enjoy our life.

Flower will wither, grass will die down; no material things last forever.
Take things lightly, material things are just temporary; we don't need to hold on too tight, learn to let go.
Without have luxury items in our life can't stop us to have simple, happy and good life.


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