Flat Earth Vs Round Earth : Can We Trust Science?
Mysterious Unknowns Mysterious Unknowns
155 subscribers

 Published On Mar 13, 2024

You will think that having beautiful images of our round blue planet is enough to convince everyone that the earth is round. But some people still believe the Earth is flat. So what's the real shape of our planet? Today, we'll look into this age-old question. We'll explore what scientists have discovered about the Earth's shape and why it matters. Plus, we'll also touch on some interesting facts. Whether you're new to this topic or you've pondered it before, this video is set to shed light on the Earth's true form.

Contents of Video

Introduction - 00:00
Why Round Earth and Not Flat Earth? - 00:31
Why Flat Earth And Not Round Earth? - 02:53
The Conspiracy - 04:51
Debating The Flat Earthers - 6:04

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