AEF-NEFL Eagles ~ Spirit's Triumphant Return ~ 02·25·18
birdbrain56 birdbrain56
3.86K subscribers

 Published On Feb 25, 2018

After taking his first flight this morning, Spirit took his sweet time returning back to the nest. Leaving some viewers anxious as to whether or not he would come back. But he did, about 6½ hours later at 4:08PM, announcing his arrival. He made a pass above the nest tree before circling back for a landing. The first thing he did after getting back in the nest was go for the food. I guess he was hungry after his adventure. Both eaglets have fledged and are well on their way to freedom. Congrats you two! Spirit is 76 days old. Sky is 78 days old.

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Video captured and edited by birdbrain56 - American Eagle Foundation Volunteer

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