bye台灣👋偷偷回家給家人驚喜✈️😱間隔1.5年見到女兒反應是?🇹🇼➡️🇺🇸哪一個比較好呢🤔 用真魷味誘惑我姐出來!🦑 SURPRISE I'm back in the USA!
Tristan H. 崔璀璨 Tristan H. 崔璀璨
265K subscribers

 Published On Jul 21, 2023

其實最近還蠻多創作者拍這個主題,我想誠懇地承認不是我自己想的,這主題的靈感是來自闈鴻 WEI HONG🙏 上次跟他一起錄節目(Wow!Taiwan)聽得覺得很有趣很好玩 剛好我也很愛嚇到家人朋友😂

Actually quite a few creators have shot videos like this recently, so I'd like to be honest and say I didn't come up with the idea myself. The topic of this video I got from WEI HONG when we shot a TV show (Wow! Taiwan) together. Hearing him talk about it made me think it's just a real cute idea, so I wanted to do it too. I also happen to love scaring my family and friends😂
I hope you'll enjoy it! What should we shoot here next?❤️

0:00 開始!START!
1:18 嚇我姐姐 SPOOKIN‘ MY SIS
7:12 嚇我媽媽 SPOOKIN‘ MY MOM

#台灣 #驚喜 #家人 #美國

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【崔璀璨 Tristan H.】
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