Disney vs. Studio Ghibli: A Love-Hate Story | Video Essay
The Backstory The Backstory
391 subscribers

 Published On Oct 12, 2023

Disney and Studio Ghibli are two of the most beloved animation studios in the world, but their relationship has always been complicated. In this video, we'll explore the long, ugly history between these two titans of animation, from their early collaborations to their eventual falling out.

We'll start by looking at the early days of the Disney-Ghibli relationship, when the two studios collaborated on films like Princess Mononoke and Spirited Away. These films were critical and commercial successes, but the relationship between the two studios was always strained. Disney executives didn't understand Studio Ghibli's unique creative vision, and they often tried to interfere with the production of their films.

In 2007, Disney and Studio Ghibli's relationship finally came to an end. The two studios couldn't agree on the terms of a new distribution deal, and Studio Ghibli decided to go it alone. Since then, Studio Ghibli has continued to produce high-quality animated films, but they have never been as successful in the United States as they were when they were partnered with Disney.

This video will explore the reasons why Disney and Studio Ghibli's relationship never worked out. We'll also discuss the impact that their rivalry has had on the animation industry as a whole.

If you're a fan of Disney or Studio Ghibli, or if you're simply interested in the history of animation, then this video is for you.

This video is an analysis of Josh Spiegel article "The long, ugly history between Disney and Studio Ghibli"

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