Traditional Japanese restaurant, Rice Cooking Sennin, authentic rice and side dishes of your choice.

 Published On Jan 27, 2024

We took a close look at a day in the life of Gin Shari en, a much-talked-about restaurant run by the former owner of Gin Shariya Geko-tei, a long-running restaurant in Sakai, Osaka.

He has been working at Geko-tei for more than 10 years and has been working as the owner for five years.In the first year since opening, he has gained the support of many regular customers and has become a popular store, with customers pouring in one after another from the time the store opens in the morning.

Please take a look at the interview that conveys the personality and commitment of the owner, who welcomes customers by carefully preparing over 30 types of side dishes every day and the glossy, fluffy, and exquisite silver shari that has been handed down directly by the rice cooker.

[Store] Gin Shari en
[Address] 3-1-9 Ebisunomachi Higashi, Sakai-ku, Sakai-shi, Osaka

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